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Defense in Depth: Principles for Protecting your Law Practice (CLE Webinar)

Sun God Comms

Are you tired of hearing about security breaches in the news? Do you feel like there's nothing you can do about it? Do you wish there was a better way to protect your practice from cyber attacks?

Well, fear not! We've got just the thing for you.

On November 4th, at 12:00 EST, the Minority Caucus of the Florida Justice Association will be hosting a free webinar on Defense in Depth: Principles for Protecting Your Practice.

This is an excellent opportunity to learn how to protect yourself and your clients from security threats.

Our speakers will be G.C. Murray II, Esq., DPL, President of Global Cyber Mgmt., an AGC Division, and Rob Blackwell, PMP, CISSP, CISM, President of CyTech Services, LLC. They'll give you a crash course in data and security protection, including the CIA, DAD, and DiD models as well as best practices for law firms to protect their businesses and their clients.

You'll also get tips on how to stay compliant with Florida Bar rules for protecting client information and ensuring that all employees are trained in these practices before they start working with sensitive information.

Sign up today for this meeting:

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